Monday, May 25, 2020

The Power Of Yoga And Yoga Essay - 964 Words

Briana Jauregui Professor Hodge English 475 8 December 2014 The Power of Yoga Are you feeling stressed, worried, unrelaxed, looking to free your mind, or increase your flexibility? That’s where you might look into yoga. Not just yoga but the different distinct types of yoga because depending on what you want to achieve you have to take the right class. Yoga is a Hindu spiritual and an ascetic discipline to help you with specific body health. The word Yoga comes from Sanskrit an ancient indian language. And yoga meaning union. Yoga is said to be for good purpose of bringing together the mind, body, and spirit. Freeing your mind of worries and the junk that we keep trapped can prevent damaging us physically and mentally. That’s where Yoga comes to place. In order to live freely we have to free our mind to continue the journey of new life beginnings. As human beings we go through a lot, think a lot, and do a lot, but we never take the time to think about ourselves and the personal damage we are doing to our mind. Wi th the ability of doing yoga you can clear out the mental garbage and develop new ways of thinking. But it also starts off with you putting the effort to make that change in thinking differently and being more open minded. Allowing yourself to be in control of your feelings, helps you be in control of your life. The many effects of yoga can help you avoid being overwhelmed by your emotions or by another’s. Since our mind creates phobias we tend to letShow MoreRelatedTransform Your Life With Yoga And Meditation1403 Words   |  6 PagesTransform Your Life with Yoga And Meditation! MariaJohnson By MariaJohnson May 2, 2013 Yoga and meditation have been a crucial part of history. If you think yoga is about twisting and bending your body, then it s time to see it in a new light. 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Friday, May 15, 2020

Comparing and Contrasting Dickinson’s Poems, Because I...

Comparing and Contrasting Dickinson’s Poems, Because I Could Not Stop for Death and I Heard a Fly Buzz - When I Died Emily Elizabeth Dickinson was born on 10th December, 1830, in the town of Amherst, Massachusetts. As a young child, she showed a bright intelligence, and was able to create many recognizable writings. Many close friends and relatives in Emily’s life were taken away from her by death. Living a life of simplicity and aloofness, she wrote poetry of great power: questioning the nature of immortality and death. Although her work was influenced by great poets of the time, she published many strong poems herself. Two of Emily Dickinson’s famous poems, â€Å"Because I Could Not Stop for Death† and â€Å"I Heard a Fly Buzz- When I Died†,†¦show more content†¦Finally in the final stanza of the poem, Dickinson remembers the horses in which she was being taken away when she died. The horses seem to be taking her into Eternity, basically an afterlife. In opposition to â€Å"Because I Could Not Stop for Death†, Dickinson published her work of â€Å"I Heard a Fly Buzz – When I Died†. In this particular piece of literature, the author disbeliefs in an afterlife. In this poem, a woman is lying on bed with her family surrounding her, waiting for the woman to pass away. The woman, however, is anxiously waiting for â€Å"†¦the kings†, meaning an omnipotent being. Finally when the woman dies, her eyes or windows, as referred in the poem, â€Å"could not see to see â€Å". When the woman passes away, she couldn’t see any angels or gods as she expected would be there, but instead, she is fluttered into nothingness. She isn’t traveling to an afterlife as she had expected to unlike in the poem of â€Å"Because I Could Not Stop for Death†. The woman finds out that death is a simple end to everything. As a young woman, Dickinson started to read works of Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau. While she doesn’t exactly fall in the category of the Transcendentalists, her work was influenced quite deeply by Emerson and Thoreau. Dickinson started to write her poems in the Romanticism time period, although her work does seem to be transcendental. Her most productive work was set around the Civil War, where sheShow MoreRelatedBecause I Could Not Stop for Death and I Heard A Fly Buzz When I Died Poems by Emily Dickinson804 Words   |  4 PagesDeath is a controversial and sensitive subject. When discussing death, several questions come to mind about what happens in our afterlife, such as: where do you go and what do you see? Emily Dickinson is a poet who explores her curiosity of death and the afterlife through her creative writing ability. She displays different views on death by writing two contrasting poems: one of a softer side and another of a more ridged and scary s ide. When looking at dissimilar observations of death it can beRead MoreAn Analysis Of Death, By Emily Dickinson1056 Words   |  5 PagesIn the course of Emily Dickinson’s poems, she has shed some light on how she views death. Like the jumbled feelings before death. The departing soul’s path to ever after, hysteria, or ending up in a void. Some of her poems may seem contradictory or rather different from the other. However, they are all set in place to showcase Emily’s viewpoint that there are many different types of possible outcomes after death. Through these three poems, she has been able to personify death in vastly different forms

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Video Games And Youth Violence - 883 Words

Video Games and Youth Violence: Is There a Real Connection? One of my fondest memories as a child was Christmas Day, 1986. I woke up early, as is typical for a child on Christmas morning. I ran to my parent’s room and rustled them out of bed so I could tear into the presents. I immediately ran to a large rectangular present and grabbed it from under the tree. I was hoping with all my might it would be what I had asked Santa to bring me, a Nintendo Entertainment System. As I ripped the paper from the box, I started screaming with excitement. Hidden under the wrapping paper was the NES that I had been gleaming at in the sales catalogs for months. I continued opening presents, getting several games to play on the new system. I received Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out, Contra, and Adventure Island. This was the beginning of my love of video games. Gaming has been a part of my life for the last 30 years. Although I have spent many decades playing these games, I have never had violent outbursts or thoughts of random killing sprees. The link b etween violent acts and violent games is coincidental at most. Gaming systems have become more powerful with each new iteration. Graphics and sound capabilities have advanced to a point where today’s systems are capable of displaying pictures that rival live television broadcasts. What used to be cartoon like characters made up of large square pixels on the screen, is now realistic characters that look like human beings. Violence has always beenShow MoreRelatedVideo Games And Youth Violence1181 Words   |  5 Pagespast few centuries,video games have become a great leisure and hobby among kids of all ages and cultures. With the advancement of technology, video games have advanced highly in its realism and genres. This high type of advancement brought the video game industry to a multi-billion dollar industry. However, with realism, comes negative effects as well. Ever since the creation of violent or â€Å"mature† video games, there has been a constant debate on whether it will increase violence in the player. AlthoughRead MoreThe Relationship between Video Games and Youth Violence811 Words   |  3 Pagesthat violence in video games have contributed to violent outbreaks of behavior in real life. Violent video games have been a political issue since the early 1980s; however, people forget to look at how people of all ages spend their free time playing these games for entertainment. 97% of 12-17 year olds in the US played video games in 2008, thus fueling an $11.7 billion domestic video game industry. In 2008, 10 of the top 20 best-selling video games in the US contained violence. Video games are aRead MoreVideo Game Violence And It s Affects On Youth1683 Words   |  7 PagesVideo Game Violence and It’s Affects on Youth Video games are becoming ever more popular every day among adolescents, youth and adults. Video game play can be fun, recreational and now with video game consoles such as the Wii, it can even be healthy. However, some video games are brutally and exceedingly violent, which should be fine because after all it’s just a video game. However, we need to understand and know if the effects of these violent video games are positive or negative amongst the youthRead MoreViolent Video Games Cause Youth Violence2030 Words   |  9 PagesVideo games have become increasingly popular among people of various ages. The more technology advances the more appealing video games seem to get with high definition graphics and better storylines. The first video game ever made was back in 1958, it was played on a Brookhaven National Laboratory oscilloscope, and it doesn’t hold a candle to the video games of today (Bellis par. 2). Video games have gone from big-chunky complicated systems to li ttle-compact systems of entertainment. After the firstRead MoreVideo Games Do Not Contribute to Youth Violence Essay870 Words   |  4 PagesVideo games are not the cause of youth violence. There are many factors that have to be lined up to cause a child to be violent. For instance Many kids that become violent have had a rough life. They may have been poor, bullied, have alcoholic parents, neglected, or dont have parents at all (kids health). Over the years games have helped kids adapt to things in the world to better help their futures (washington post). Studies prove that video games can help children learn new mechanics (washingtonRead MoreDo Violent Video Games Influence Youth Violence?772 Words   |  3 Pagesmassive violence, graphic sexual content, and animated blood are examples of statements that the Entertainment Software Rating Board uses to depict the content in over fifty- five percent of the video games rated yearly. The debate of whether the aggressive nature of th ese video games influences youth violence in our country has been heatedly battled for decades. Since the mid 1980’s, it has been suggested that high profile cases of violence are due to an aggressor’s excessive video game use. HoweverRead MoreVideo Games: A Scapegoat for Youth Violence Essay examples1265 Words   |  6 Pagesmost recent medium are video games. Aided by crime-saturated news reports, a lot of people are convinced that video game violence transfers to real-life youth crimes like the school massacres. They think that violent video games make people violent, but that is not the case. Violent people play violent video games. Not everyone who plays video games are violent, but those who already are violent will play them as an outlet for their frustration and rage. If anything, video games keep violent peopleRead MoreVideo Games and Youth Violence: Is There a Connection? Essay example1002 Words   |  5 Pagesmany and the reasons are still under debate. Th e main contributing factor for all of this violence was originally thought to be violent video games, and the vivid scenarios played out in them.( Grossman, DeGaetano 1999) After further investigation, that factor in itself has been proven to be untrue. Contrary to the popularly accepted belief, violent video games do not increase the tendencies for violence in healthy, normal adolescents and children. There have been many rumors circulating as toRead MoreEssay about The Effect of Video Game Violence on Youths1849 Words   |  8 PagesDoes exposure to violence in video games, on TV, and in social media have an effect on those exposed to it? Are those who are underage more susceptible to any detrimental side effects from viewing these things? This has long been a topic of discussion among lawmakers, psychologists, and the scientific field as a whole. It concerns parents and community members, especially in the wake of a seeming rise in violence at school from bullying, fighting, or in the extreme cases of school shootings. Read MoreDoes Violence in Video Games Contribute to Misconduct in Youth1995 Words   |  8 PagesDoes Violence in Video Games Contribute to Misconduct in Youth? In recent years, many technological advancements have led to a new form of entertainment for society. One of the soaring forms of this entertainment is video games. While the sale of games continue to rise at a drastic rate, game designers and the media focus the publics attention on violent video games, since it seems to currently be to the more attractive type of game, not only among the public, but the gaming industries as well

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Tax Analysis Of Genworth Mortgage Insurance †

Question: 1. From your firms financial statement, list each item of equity and write your understanding of each item. Discuss any changes in each item of equity for your firm over the past year articulating the reasons for the change. 2. What is your firms tax expense in its latest financial statements? 3. Is this figure the same as the company tax rate times your firms accounting income? Explain why this is, or is not, the case for your firm. 4. Comment on deferred tax assets/liabilities that is reported in the balance sheet articulating the possible reasons why they have been recorded. 5. Is there any current tax assets or income tax payable recorded by your company? Why is the income tax payable not the same as income tax expense? Answer: Answer 1 The annual report of Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia Ltd has shown three parts of the equity. Common Stock Other Accumulated profit Retained earnings or distributable profit Common Stock is also known as contributed capital. It is paid up capital which reflects the amount of cash and paid up and other assets that stakeholders had given to corporate in exchange for the shares or stock in company. It is evaluated that Common Stock has decreased equity capital by 40% since last four years. In 2013, Company was having AUD $ 2,074 million equity capital which decreased to AUD $ 1354 million. Reserve or retained earnings are the business profit which has been kept to strengthen the businesss financial position. This amount of capital is also known as accumulated profit which company has arranged from its earned profit throughout the time (Brigham and Ehrhardt, 2013). In addition to this, accumulated profit of company is negative which is not good indicator for company (Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia Ltd, 2017). Equity (Amount in dollar million) ($M) 2017 2016 Common stock 1156 1354 Accumulated profit (471) (473) Retained earning 1133 1087 Total equity 4232 3833 Answer 2 It is evaluated that tax is the amount of money which is charged on the profit earned by company. Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia Ltd has been paying high amount of tax and failed to manage effective tax planning program. However, since last two years, tax expenses of Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia Ltd have gone down due to decreased in its annual income. In 2016, Genworth Mortgage Insurance company has paid income tax expenses of AUD $ 9 7 million which reduced to AUD $ 64 million in 2016. Particular(AUD $ in million) 2015 2016 Income tax expenses 97 67 Nonetheless, Company has decreased its tax payment by increased the tax deductible expenses and increasing the overall interest expenses. It is observed that company has increased the interest expenses which eventually reduced the tax payment to government (Bekaert and Hodrick, 2017). Answer 3 After going through the annual report of Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia Ltd, it is considered that Companys tax expenses shown in balance sheet is not the same amount of tax rate times. Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia Ltd has paid AUD $ 97 million tax expenses in 2017 which covers the entire deferred tax amount. At the same time, Tax rate times of Genworth Mortgage Insurance company has been computed by using accounting income* 30% tax rate, i.e. 156*30%. This amount is AUD $ 46.8 million. This would result to differences in tax expense shown in the financial statements and company tax rates accounting income (Garrett, Hoitash, and Prawitt, 2014). Explain why this Reason of differences between Companys tax expenses shown in balance sheet and amount of tax rate times on accounting income The treatment of charging tax on the earned profit of company is different as per the accounting rules and taxation rules and regulations. The tax expenses shown in the financial statement of company is computed as per the taxation rules and regulations and tax amount computed manually is based on the accounting income. The differences between two taxes arise due to main two reasons. First differences is related to items of revenue and expenses shown in the profit and loss account and the items which are considered as revenue, expenses and other expenses which deductible expenses as per the tax rules. Depreciation accounting, recording of donation and charging bed debts are different as per the accounting and income tax rules AASB-122. Answer 4 After going through the annual report of Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia Ltd, it is considered that deferred tax assets is AUD $ 10 million. This deferred tax amount should be recognized and carried forward only to the limit that it is reasonably certainty that sufficient future taxable income against which deferred tax assets will be realised. It is observed that company has paid higher tax to government as per the income tax rule and regualtions (Kundakchyan and Zulfakarova, 2014). It is considered that accounting income and taxable income are not same and that is why, we see the recording of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities in the books of accounts of company. For instance, if company finds that due to the difference between accounting and income tax provision, if company has charged higher tax revenue by considering accounting rules and regulations then all the excess tax payment will be shown as deferred tax assets. On the other hand, if company charged low er tax as per the accounting rules as compared to tax rules and regulations then difference in amount would be shown as deferred tax liabilities (Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia Ltd, 2017). Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia Ltd has shown Deferred tax amount in its assets side of balance sheet which reflects that company may take refunds from the government in case of changes in tax rules and regulations. Particular (AUD $ million) 2017 2016 Deferred tax assets 11 10 Answer 5 Current tax assets and other income tax payable by company It is considered that the current tax payable by company is zero in 2016. The income tax payable is recorded on the liabilities side of company which shows tax amount to be paid by company as per the tax rules and regulations given under AASB 122 (Laudon and Traver, 2013). The current tax assets reflect the amount which company might take from the government. In this case, Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia Ltd has no current tax assets no any current tax liabilities. Deferred tax payment of company is AUD $ 10 million. Particular(AUD $ in million) 2016 2017 Income tax Expenses 86 67 Why income tax expenses is not same as the income tax payable The main reason is that income tax expenses charged on the profit of current year. On the other hand, income tax payable is the accumulation of outstanding tax which company will pay in future and shown on the liabilities side of balance sheet (Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia Ltd, 2017). Answer 6 Is the income tax expense shown in the income statement same as the income tax paid shown in the cash flow statement? If not No, the incomes tax expenses, shown in the income statement are not same as the income tax payment shown in the cash flow statement. Why are the differences? Cash flow statement reflects the cash outflow and inflow of money in the current years. The cash flow of income tax in current year is AUD $ 88 million which covers all the tax payment by the company in current year. It may include tax for present and future period. On the other hand, tax payment shown in the profit and loss account is charged for the current year profit as per the taxation rules of AASB122. The cash flow statement reflects all the tax payment either related to current, previous and future year. On the other hand, tax charged in the income statement, is charged on the current year profit of company. The current tax payment shown in the profit and loss account is AUD $ 67 million. Answer 7 Treatment of tax in your firms financial statements Interesting thing about the recorded its entire tax amount The main interesting thing about the recorded its entire tax amount is related to recording of tax as per the accounting rules and regulation and income tax rules as per the AASB-122. It reflects the blockage of high amount of cash in the business. Surprising thing about the recorded its entire tax amount The main surprising thing about the Recording of its entire tax amount of Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia Ltd is related to companys corporate governance program and recording process of tax in the annual report of company. Company can never have deferred assets and deferred liabilities at the same time in its balance sheet (Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia Ltd, 2017). Difficulty in recorded the entire tax amount Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia Ltdmay find difficult to record its deferred tax amount. It has no current tax payable and no current tax assets in its books of accounts. Stakeholders of Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia Ltd, 2017may find difficult to bifurcate taxation amount by considering taxation rules and regulation as per AASB-122 and accounting rules and regulation (Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia Ltd, 2017). New insight about the company account for the income tax The main insight about the company account for the income tax is related to how company formulate its financial statement as per the income tax rules and regulations. Company has zero amount of current tax payable and current tax assets in its books of account. References Bekaert, G. and Hodrick, R., 2017.International financial management. Cambridge University Press. Brigham, E.F. and Ehrhardt, M.C., 2013.Financial management: Theory practice. Cengage Learning. Garrett, J., Hoitash, R. and Prawitt, D.F., 2014. Trust and financial reporting quality.Journal of Accounting Research,52(5), pp.1087-1125. Genworth Mortgage Insurance Australia Ltd, 2017, annual report, Retrieved on 21st January, 2017 from Kundakchyan, R.M. and Zulfakarova, L.F., 2014. Current issues of optimal capital structure based on forecasting financial performance of the company.Life Science Journal,11(6s), pp.368-371. Laudon, K.C. and Traver, C.G., 2013.E-commerce. Pearson.